Pilsen Housing Cooperative
guiding principles and motivation / principios y motivación
The Pilsen Housing Cooperative (PIHCO) is for families and artists with a deep connection to the neighborhood.
Somos familias y artistas con mucho tiempo en Pilsen. Queremos permanecer aquí.
Our co-op is a proactive stand against gentrification in our neighborhood, which is displacing families and artists due to rising rents and property taxes. The co-op is a concrete protest against an economic system that views our neighborhood as a commodity and source of profit for developers. We see our neighborhood as home.
La cooperativa es una protesta contra la gentrificación y el alza de las rentas. Los inversionistas ven a nuestro barrio como fuente de ingresos monetarios. Nosotros vemos a nuestro barrio como hogar y comunidad.
PIHCO shall be limited equity to ensure it remains affordable far into the future. Shares should be seen not only as a monetary investment, but as an investment in community.
We will build, maintain, and grow the co-op with lower- and moderate-income people in mind.
La cooperativa existe para familias de ingreso moderado. Somos una comunidad de apoyo mutuo.
La unión hace la fuerza.
Members should be interested in creating an intentionally supportive, cooperative community.
The co-op will recognize Pilsen’s unique history as the cultural heart of Mexican Chicago and will work to keep that history alive.